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Sexual Harassment in Schools in Africa

We are currently conducting research on the prevalence of sexual harassment in schools in certain African countries: Gabon, Chad, Rwanda and Congo.
We also look at the presence or absence of a policy on sexual harassment in establishments. Is there a relationship with mental health.
Contact us if you want to purchase our preliminary data by country by choosing the variables of interest.

Pregnant Belly

Socioeconomic Status and Perinatal Depression

In Gabon, the maternal mortality rate increased by 0.89% in 2020 compared to 2019; and this for three consecutive years. This increasing maternal mortality rate in Gabon of 229 is above the global average of 216 per 100,000 live births and could be associated with women's social status, use of health services, and intentional homicide due to perinatal depression.


Alcohol consumption and injury risks

Dear friends,

We are asking for approximately two minutes of your time for this global study on alcohol consumption and the physical, material, health and psychological harms in order to better educate populations and the government on this social issue.

Your participation is anonymous. No personal information will be recorded.

The questionnaire allows you to assess your alcohol consumption yourself. To participate in this study, click here

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